The Lab’Ouest laboratory follows the recommendations of “SEGUR de la Santé” and applies the principles of the national identity monitoring framework.
In a constant concern to improve the service to the patient and the prescriber, from 02/01/2023, the Labouest laboratory is setting up insulin assay internally.
From January 2, 2023, at the same time as the EFS CENTRE-PAYS DE LOIRE approach, and in application of the decree of May 15, 2018 setting the conditions for carrying out medical biology examinations for erythrocyte immunohaematology, the Labouest laboratory will no longer issue the “blood group card” document.
Thematic evening “Cervical cancer”
Thursday October 13, 2022 at 8 p.m.
Auguste CHUPIN room – Angers –
To better welcome you and offer you more comfort, the Blain laboratory has been redesigned.
We are pleased to welcome you to a new spacious, bright and friendly space.
February 28, 2022
Espace 23 , 225 BOULEVARD de la PRAIRIE, in front of the Veterinary office
The laboratory will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 12:45 p.m., you can make an appointment on Doctolib.