List of analyses performed

List of analyses performed

LThe LABOUEST Medical Biology laboratory performs more than 90% of its analyses on its technical platforms.

To guarantee you a reliable result, most of these analyses must be done on specimens taken from patients on an empty stomach.

  • Having an empty stomach means that your last evening meal should have been 12 hours before the specimen is taken. For example, for an appointment at 8:30 am with an empty stomach, you must have stopped eating and drinking (water allowed in small quantities) at 8:30 pm.
  • Certain analyses do not have to be done on an empty stomach (blood count and type, pregnancy test, viral blood tests, allergens, etc.). However, such samples must be taken between meals (3 hours), making sure to avoid butter, milk, cream, fat…
  • The catalogue of analyses performed in the laboratory is available for viewing and may be downloaded below. It describes the conditions of specimen collection.
  • Some analyses have a specific collection protocol (time of collection, patient position, injection, dynamic cycle, etc.). We invite you to consult our “patient advice sheets”.
  • For any information or clarification, do not hesitate to contact us for further details about the conditions of specimen collection.